LED lighting for Curling Rinks; Curling Rink LED, LED retrofit curling, curling club LED upgrade,

Just like LED lighting for hockey arenas, LEDs for curling rinks benefits any club in several ways.

You will see a decrease in the your hydro bill as your new LED luminaires will consume far less electricity than previous lighting.  You’ll virtually eliminate maintenance costs, the long life of LED curling rink lighting takes away the need for ongoing bulb and ballast replacement.

In addition, LED lights emit far less heat than traditional lighting methods, so your ice chillers don’t have to work as hard.  To top it all off, you’ll have brighter, clearer light, making your rink a more comfortable place.

Our curling rink LED lights and luminaires are pre-approved for Ontario rebates and carry long warranties.  You’ll receive a fast payback on your investment and enjoy a huge return on investment over time, coupled with the peace of mind that comes with installing the most up-to-date lighting in your facility.


Metal Halide LED Upgrades


Linear Fluorescent LED Upgrades


Interior and Exterior LED Lighting


Lighting Controls for Greater Savings


In addition to LED curling rink lighting, we also assist curling clubs in retrofitting common areas such as spectator areas, reception areas, washrooms, change rooms, offices, parking lot and exterior lighting.  With many lights pre-approved for Ontario rebates, you can quickly retrofit your facility, reduce your carbon footprint and save a significant portion of your monthly hydro bill.  LED fluorescent replacements, LED pot-light replacements, and LED flood lights provide years of reliable performance and cost savings. Your club will see a return on your investment many times over.

Upgrading to LED makes sense.
Knowing your current costs, projected savings, and payback will show you why.
Isn’t it time you cut your hydro bill and started saving?  Contact us today and let’s get started.